Cathy Cockin - Little Miss Electrical

Featured Tradeswoman

Hi, I’m Cathy and I’m the founder of Little Miss Electrical LTD. 

I found my way into electrics when me and my partner who is a plasterer bought our first house which needed renovating and modernising. We stripped it back to the bare walls so there were just two big rooms and half a floor left in the whole house! He then taught me the process of putting everything back together again! 

I had studied law at uni and ended up working in property law so I found the aspect of buying properties and renovating them really exciting. We spotted another house and made big plans to split it into two houses and renovate it all again the same way, creating an extra bedroom and a whole new flat below! The electrician from the first house was too busy to fit us in and I was desperate to get out of an office and onto a building site. 

I joined the register because I think it’s an amazing thing  Hattie and Mica are doing. People regularly come to us and ask if we can recommend other tradeswomen and we often have to say we don’t know of any in the area but now we can direct them to the register. 

I found a course aimed at people wanting to retrain and do domestic electrical work and managed to beg some work experience with a local electrician. I convinced him to take me on as a labourer and never looked back. 

It wasn’t long before I was able to do the work needed on our property and used this for my job that the NICEIC came to look at to accept me onto the scheme. 

After that I branded as Little Miss Electrical and the rest is history! There’s been highs and lows, good days and bad but I love my job. I love being on site and I love finishing a job and just taking a step back to admire a job well done! I’d encourage anyone thinking of getting a trade to go for it! 🙂