Join The Register

of Tradeswomen


Every time your customers use the register to find you they are contributing to the changes vulnerable women are making to their lives.


What it’s all about

It’s estimated that 1.6 million women between the ages of 16 and 74 experienced domestic abuse in 2019. (2020 saw this number rise by 48% during lockdown)

In the 21st Century, this level of violence against women must be deemed as unacceptable. As tradeswomen we can’t do much to change people’s behaviour, but by being available to women who might be experiencing abuse in their homes we can help by not aggravating already tense situations.

Hattie Hasan MBE ~ Founder Register of Tradeswomen

The Register of Tradeswomen Not-for-Profit came about for several reasons.


1. Being contacted by organisations working with vulnerable women asking if we could provide trades other than plumbers and heating engineers.

2. The increase in incidences of domestic abuse reported to police between March and April 2020

3. The need to find a way to train more women in trades

4. To make finance available for women wishing to train in trades

5. The need to have an accurate count of tradeswomen. Even trainees count.

6. To use this information to drive change

We believe these to be good enough reasons to start a movement that will create lasting and sustainable change.

To put your name on the list, whether you are employed, self-employed or in training go here

We warmly welcome the launch of the first UK register of tradeswomen offering practical services run by women for women.

This will be vital for women-only domestic abuse services, particularly life-saving for refuges, as well as for domestic abuse survivors who are living with trauma following male violence and feel safer with a tradeswoman working in their homes.   

Nicki Norman, acting chief executive of Women’s Aid

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Hours of business:

Mon-Thurs: 8am - 6pm

Fri: 8am - 5pm